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Juice Starndard Vending API

Utiliflex uses a set of REST API standards. These standards have the following tenants:

All API's are:

The actual URL, Login, and Password will vary per Juice systems, for all examples a generic version such as: is used.

Authentication Test

curl --basic -u login:password -d 'mode=authtest&return=json' \
  "status": "OK",
  "error": 0,
  "message": "auth test and info",
  "login": "betty",
  "name": null,
  "vendornumber": "CEC",
  "balanceowed": null,
  "realaccount": "betty",
  "vendorname": "County Electric",
  "email": "",
  "sms1": "",
  "systemrole": "CSR3",
  "seclevel": "70",
  "vendorgroupowed": "118411.01",
  "vendorgrouplimit": "100000000.00",
  "vendorgroupavailable": 99881588.99,
  "vendorlimit": "20000.00",
  "vendorowed": "2236.00",
  "vendoravailable": 17764

The simplest API usage is an authorization test. This works as an excellent example of API usage, and sets the stage for using a web browser, cURL and several programming languages.

HTTP Request


Available Parameters

The following URL parameters are available when preforming an authtest:

Param Type Values Required Default
mode string authtest Yes
return string json, xml No xml

Account Search

curl --basic -u login:password -d 'mode=search&searchfor=00042&return=json' \
  "status": "OK",
  "error": 0,
  "message": "",
  "vendorname": "County Electric",
  "vendornumber": "CEC",
  "email": "",
  "sms1": "",
  "systemrole": "CSR3",
  "seclevel": "70",
  "vendorgroupowed": "118411.01",
  "vendorgrouplimit": "100000000.00",
  "vendorgroupavailable": 99881588.99,
  "vendorlimit": "20000.00",
  "vendorowed": "2236.00",
  "vendoravailable": 17764,
  "s": [
      "portal": "demo",
      "account": "00042",
      "contract": "",
      "name": "Ringo Star",
      "serialnumber": "58759418",
      "address1": "123 Cambleton RD",
      "address2": "",
      "city": "Atlanta",
      "state": "Georgia",
      "sms1": "6034428",
      "email1": ""

Given a string to simple search for, the API will do a search for the meter number, account, external CIS account (cisaccount/contract) and name. It will return a maximum of 20 results in an array/list labeled s.

It is suggested to use this to search for the exact account number or meter serial number and use it for a balance check and then a vend when doing user interfaces for vendors and cashiers.

HTTP Request


Available Parameters

The following URL parameters are available when preforming an account search:

Param Type Values Required Default
mode string search yes
searchfor string yes
return string json, xml no xml

Balance Inquiry

curl --basic -u login:password -d 'mode=balance&account=00042&return=json' \
  "status": "OK",
  "error": 0,
  "message": "",
  "vendorname": "County Electric",
  "vendornumber": "CEC",
  "email": "",
  "sms1": "6034428",
  "systemrole": "CSR3",
  "seclevel": "70",
  "vendorgroupowed": "118411.01",
  "vendorgrouplimit": "100000000.00",
  "vendorgroupavailable": 99881588.99,
  "vendorlimit": "20000.00",
  "vendorowed": "2236.00",
  "vendoravailable": 17764,
  "motd": "",
  "meterstate": "CONNECT",
  "meterunits": "kWh",
  "com": "Elmar_otv",
  "account": "00042",
  "locid": "L00000038",
  "serialnumber": "58759418",
  "phone2": "",
  "phone1": "4235555555",
  "notifydays": 3,
  "email2": "",
  "email1": "",
  "sms2": "",
  "address1": "123 Cambleton RD",
  "group3": "",
  "group2": "",
  "group1": "",
  "name": "Ringo Star",
  "contract": "",
  "nic": "95460",
  "emailnotify": true,
  "smsnotify": true,
  "phonenotify": true,
  "invto": "Door",
  "portal": "demo",
  "accttype": "PrePaid",
  "locname": "Test loc",
  "loccity": "Atlanta",
  "locaddress2": "",
  "locaddress1": "123 Cambleton RD",
  "days": 3,
  "balancemny": 0.26,
  "balancewh": 29.05,
  "mnyplace": "L",
  "mnysymbol": "$",
  "mnytext": "USD",
  "adumny": 0,
  "tariff": "EASTRIVER",
  "baserate": 9,
  "estremdays": 0,
  "peakusage": 0,
  "aduwh": 0,
  "wallet": 0,
  "gimme5bal": 0,
  "gimme5count": 0,
  "gimme5allowed": true,
  "purchasedkwhthismonth": 0,
  "unitwallet": 29.05,
  "arrearsbalance": 0,
  "recentinvoiceamount": 0,
  "recentinvoicedue": false,
  "recentinvoicedate": "",
  "recentinvoice": false,
  "recentarrearsid": 0,
  "recentinvoicebalance": 0,
  "balance": 0,
  "ststoken": "",
  "amount": 20,
  "type": "cash",
  "transdate": "2017-08-26 04:10:02",
  "transaction": 9980993,
  "purchasedkwh": 1,
  "usagemth": [],
  "usageday": []

Preforming a balance check on an account number or meter serial number is a good way to verify if the account or meter exists within Juice. Like other methods in the UtiliSpeak API balance can take either a customer's Juice account number or customer's meter serial number the data returned is the same regardless.

HTTP Request


Available Parameters

The following URL parameters are available when preforming a balance inquiry:

Param Type Values Required Default
mode string balance yes
account string no
serialnumber string no
return string json, xml no xml

Last transaction for account/meter by user within the last 24 hours

curl --basic -u login:password -d 'mode=balance&submode=login24&account=00042&return=json' \
  "status": "OK",
  "error": 0,
  "message": "",
  "vendorname": "County Electric",
  "vendornumber": "CEC",
  "email": "",
  "sms1": "6034428",
  "systemrole": "CSR3",
  "seclevel": "70",
  "vendorgroupowed": "118411.01",
  "vendorgrouplimit": "100000000.00",
  "vendorgroupavailable": 99881588.99,
  "vendorlimit": "20000.00",
  "vendorowed": "2236.00",
  "vendoravailable": 17764,
  "motd": "",
  "meterstate": "CONNECT",
  "meterunits": "kWh",
  "com": "Elmar_otv",
  "account": "00042",
  "locid": "L00000038",
  "serialnumber": "58759418",
  "phone2": "",
  "phone1": "4235555555",
  "notifydays": 3,
  "email2": "",
  "email1": "",
  "sms2": "",
  "address1": "123 Cambleton RD",
  "group3": "",
  "group2": "",
  "group1": "",
  "name": "Ringo Star",
  "contract": "",
  "nic": "95460",
  "emailnotify": true,
  "smsnotify": true,
  "phonenotify": true,
  "invto": "Door",
  "portal": "demo",
  "accttype": "PrePaid",
  "locname": "Test loc",
  "loccity": "Atlanta",
  "locaddress2": "",
  "locaddress1": "123 Cambleton RD",
  "days": 3,
  "balancemny": 0.26,
  "balancewh": 29.05,
  "mnyplace": "L",
  "mnysymbol": "$",
  "mnytext": "USD",
  "adumny": 0,
  "tariff": "EASTRIVER",
  "baserate": 9,
  "estremdays": 0,
  "peakusage": 0,
  "aduwh": 0,
  "wallet": 0,
  "gimme5bal": 0,
  "gimme5count": 0,
  "gimme5allowed": true,
  "purchasedkwhthismonth": 0,
  "unitwallet": 29.05,
  "arrearsbalance": 0,
  "recentinvoiceamount": 0,
  "recentinvoicedue": false,
  "recentinvoicedate": "",
  "recentinvoice": false,
  "recentarrearsid": 0,
  "recentinvoicebalance": 0,
  "balance": 0,
  "ststoken": "",
  "amount": 0,
  "type": null,
  "transdate": null,
  "transaction": 0,
  "purchasedkwh": 0,
  "usagemth": [],
  "usageday": []

The default balance inquiry will display the most recent transaction from any source. An optional submode=login24 will only display the most recent transaction created by that login in the last 24 hours. If there is none, the transaction values are blank.

HTTP Request


Available Parameters

The following URL parameters are available when preforming a balance inquiry:

Param Type Values Required Default
mode string balance yes
submode string login24 yes
account string no
serialnumber string no
return string json, xml no xml

Detailed balance information

Can be used for a detailed look at an account and its history. The actual data returned depends on the type of meter. The submode=detail parameter will provide lists/arrays of detailed transactional records and meter reading information.

Available Parameters

The following URL parameters are available when preforming a balance inquiry:

Param Type Values Required Default
mode string balance yes
submode string detail yes
account string no
serialnumber string no
return string json, xml no xml


Sales Estimate

curl --basic -u login:password -d 'mode=estimate&account=00042&amount=20&return=json' \
  "status": "OK",
  "error": 0,
  "message": "",
  "vendorname": "County Electric",
  "vendornumber": "CEC",
  "email": "",
  "sms1": "6034428",
  "systemrole": "CSR3",
  "seclevel": "70",
  "vendorgroupowed": "118411.01",
  "vendorgrouplimit": "100000000.00",
  "vendorgroupavailable": 99881588.99,
  "vendorlimit": "20000.00",
  "vendorowed": "2236.00",
  "vendoravailable": 17764,
  "motd": "",
  "meterstate": "CONNECT",
  "meterunits": "kWh",
  "com": "Elmar_otv",
  "account": "00042",
  "locid": "L00000038",
  "serialnumber": "58759418",
  "phone2": "",
  "phone1": "4235555555",
  "notifydays": 3,
  "email2": "",
  "email1": "",
  "sms2": "",
  "address1": "123 Cambleton RD",
  "group3": "",
  "group2": "",
  "group1": "",
  "name": "Ringo Star",
  "contract": "",
  "nic": "95460",
  "emailnotify": true,
  "smsnotify": true,
  "phonenotify": true,
  "invto": "Door",
  "portal": "demo",
  "accttype": "PrePaid",
  "locname": "Test loc",
  "loccity": "Atlanta",
  "locaddress2": "",
  "locaddress1": "123 Cambleton RD",
  "days": 3,
  "balancemny": 0.26,
  "balancewh": 29.05,
  "mnyplace": "L",
  "mnysymbol": "$",
  "mnytext": "USD",
  "adumny": 0,
  "tariff": "EASTRIVER",
  "baserate": 9,
  "estremdays": 0,
  "peakusage": 0,
  "aduwh": 0,
  "wallet": 0,
  "gimme5bal": 0,
  "gimme5count": 0,
  "gimme5allowed": true,
  "purchasedkwhthismonth": 0,
  "unitwallet": 29.05,
  "arrearsbalance": 0,
  "recentinvoiceamount": 0,
  "recentinvoicedue": false,
  "recentinvoicedate": "",
  "recentinvoice": false,
  "recentarrearsid": 0,
  "recentinvoicebalance": 0,
  "amount": 20,
  "applytoarrears": 0,
  "applytofixed": 0,
  "applytoservices": 20,
  "applytotaxes": 0.95,
  "applytofuelcharges": 4.01,
  "applytolevycharges": 5.0125,
  "applytolevy2charges": 0,
  "applytowallet": 0,
  "purchasedkwh": 1.0025,
  "kvademandcharge": 0,
  "b1amt": 5.015,
  "b2amt": 0,
  "b3amt": 0,
  "b4amt": 0,
  "b5amt": 0,
  "b6amt": 0,
  "b7amt": 0,
  "b8amt": 0,
  "b9amt": 0,
  "b1wh": 1002.5,
  "b2wh": 0,
  "b3wh": 0,
  "b4wh": 0,
  "b5wh": 0,
  "b6wh": 0,
  "b7wh": 0,
  "b8wh": 0,
  "b9wh": 0,
  "action": "ESTIMATE",
  "transaction": 0

To test a transaction without making a sale use mode=estimate and give a transaction amount.

HTTP Request


Available Parameters

The following URL parameters are available when preforming a balance inquiry:

Param Type Values Required Default
mode string estimate yes
submode string wallet, cash, cc, CC, arrears, gimme5 yes
account string no
serialnumber string no
amount float yes
ccauth string no
cctrans string no
ccnum string no
ccexpmth string no
ccexpyr string no
ccfirst string no
cclast string no
cczip string no
return string json, xml no xml

Vending Type Details


Setting the submode to cash is the typical use, as it is cash owed to the utiliy. There is no problem in Juice if the actual transaction is a credit card, check, etc.


Setting the submode to cc (note the lower case) is an "outside of Juice" credit card transaction. The internal designation is cash-CC as it is a cash transaction from an external credit card gateway. The optional fields ccauth and cctrans can be used to store some corresponding transaction information in Juice to make it easier to reconcile issues and credit card statements later.

cctrans is usually an incremental transactional referance number and ccauth is often a short alphanumeric string returned by external gateways as proof that the transaction was authorized.


Setting the submode to CC (note upper case) expects the raw credit card information fields to be passed. These fields are ccnum, ccexpmth, ccexpyr, ccfirst, cclast, cczip. This mode will accept that credit card information and process it internally to Juice.

Sales / Vending

curl --basic -u login:password -d 'mode=vend&submode=cash&account=00042&amount=20&return=json' \
  "status": "OK",
  "error": 0,
  "message": "",
  "vendorname": "County Electric",
  "vendornumber": "CEC",
  "email": "",
  "sms1": "6034428",
  "systemrole": "CSR3",
  "seclevel": "70",
  "vendorgroupowed": "118411.01",
  "vendorgrouplimit": "100000000.00",
  "vendorgroupavailable": 99881588.99,
  "vendorlimit": "20000.00",
  "vendorowed": "2236.00",
  "vendoravailable": 17764,
  "motd": "",
  "meterstate": "CONNECT",
  "meterunits": "kWh",
  "com": "Elmar_otv",
  "account": "00042",
  "locid": "L00000038",
  "serialnumber": "58759418",
  "phone2": "",
  "phone1": "4235555555",
  "notifydays": 3,
  "email2": "",
  "email1": "",
  "sms2": "",
  "address1": "123 Cambleton RD",
  "group3": "",
  "group2": "",
  "group1": "",
  "name": "Ringo Star",
  "contract": "",
  "nic": "95460",
  "emailnotify": true,
  "smsnotify": true,
  "phonenotify": true,
  "invto": "Door",
  "portal": "demo",
  "accttype": "PrePaid",
  "locname": "Test loc",
  "loccity": "Atlanta",
  "locaddress2": "",
  "locaddress1": "123 Cambleton RD",
  "days": 3,
  "balancemny": 0.26,
  "balancewh": 29.05,
  "mnyplace": "L",
  "mnysymbol": "$",
  "mnytext": "USD",
  "adumny": 0,
  "tariff": "EASTRIVER",
  "baserate": 9,
  "estremdays": 0,
  "peakusage": 0,
  "aduwh": 0,
  "wallet": 0,
  "gimme5bal": 0,
  "gimme5count": 0,
  "gimme5allowed": true,
  "purchasedkwhthismonth": 0,
  "unitwallet": 30.05,
  "arrearsbalance": 0,
  "recentinvoiceamount": 0,
  "recentinvoicedue": false,
  "recentinvoicedate": "",
  "recentinvoice": false,
  "recentarrearsid": 0,
  "recentinvoicebalance": 0,
  "type": "cash",
  "amount": 20,
  "applytoarrears": "0.00",
  "applytofixed": "0.00",
  "applytoservices": "20.00",
  "applytotaxes": "0.95",
  "applytofuelcharges": "4.01",
  "applytowallet": "0.00",
  "purchasedkwh": 1,
  "kvademandcharge": "0.00",
  "b1amt": "5.01",
  "b2amt": "0.00",
  "b3amt": "0.00",
  "b4amt": "0.00",
  "b5amt": "0.00",
  "b6amt": "0.00",
  "b7amt": "0.00",
  "b8amt": "0.00",
  "b9amt": "0.00",
  "b1wh": "1003",
  "b2wh": "0",
  "b3wh": "0",
  "b4wh": "0",
  "b5wh": "0",
  "b6wh": "0",
  "b7wh": "0",
  "b8wh": "0",
  "b9wh": "0",
  "govnum": "0",
  "action": "SALE",
  "transaction": 9981014,
  "ststoken": ""

The most common vending submode is cash as it is cash owed to the utility and the utility does not typically accept the risks associated with the other payment methods used by an external vendor. There are exceptions when the Vending API is used for tight integration with a payment provider that acts as a front end (cashier) for the utility.

HTTP Request


Available Parameters

The following URL parameters are available when preforming a balance inquiry:

Param Type Values Required Default
mode string estimate yes
submode string wallet, cash, cc, CC, arrears, gimme5 yes
account string no
serialnumber string no
amount float yes
ccauth string no
cctrans string no
ccnum string no
ccexpmth string no
ccexpyr string no
ccfirst string no
cclast string no
cczip string no
return string json, xml no xml
uuid string no

Vending Type Details


Setting the submode to cash is the typical use, as it is cash owed to the utiliy. There is no problem in Juice if the actual transaction is a credit card, check, etc.


Setting the submode to cc (note the lower case) is an "outside of Juice" credit card transaction. The internal designation is cash-CC as it is a cash transaction from an external credit card gateway. The optional fields ccauth and cctrans can be used to store some corresponding transaction information in Juice to make it easier to reconcile issues and credit card statements later.

cctrans is usually an incremental transactional referance number and ccauth is often a short alphanumeric string returned by external gateways as proof that the transaction was authorized.


Setting the submode to CC (note upper case) expects the raw credit card information fields to be passed. These fields are ccnum, ccexpmth, ccexpyr, ccfirst, cclast, cczip. This mode will accept that credit card information and process it internally to Juice.

Funding a wallet

curl --basic -u login:password -d 'mode=fund&submode=cash&account=00042&amount=20&smsto=1&return=json' \
  "status": "OK",
  "error": 0,
  "message": "",
  "vendorname": "County Electric",
  "vendornumber": "CEC",
  "email": "",
  "sms1": "6034428",
  "systemrole": "CSR3",
  "seclevel": "70",
  "vendorgroupowed": "118431.01",
  "vendorgrouplimit": "100000000.00",
  "vendorgroupavailable": 99881568.99,
  "vendorlimit": "20000.00",
  "vendorowed": "2256.00",
  "vendoravailable": 17744,
  "motd": "",
  "meterstate": "CONNECT",
  "meterunits": "kWh",
  "com": "Elmar_otv",
  "account": "00042",
  "locid": "L00000038",
  "serialnumber": "58759418",
  "phone2": "",
  "phone1": "4235555555",
  "notifydays": 3,
  "email2": "",
  "email1": "",
  "sms2": "",
  "address1": "123 Cambleton RD",
  "group3": "",
  "group2": "",
  "group1": "",
  "name": "Ringo Star",
  "contract": "",
  "nic": "95460",
  "emailnotify": true,
  "smsnotify": true,
  "phonenotify": true,
  "invto": "Door",
  "portal": "demo",
  "accttype": "PrePaid",
  "locname": "Test loc",
  "loccity": "Atlanta",
  "locaddress2": "",
  "locaddress1": "123 Cambleton RD",
  "days": 3,
  "balancemny": 0.27,
  "balancewh": 30.05,
  "mnyplace": "L",
  "mnysymbol": "$",
  "mnytext": "USD",
  "adumny": 0,
  "tariff": "EASTRIVER",
  "baserate": 9,
  "estremdays": 0,
  "peakusage": 0,
  "aduwh": 0,
  "wallet": 0,
  "gimme5bal": 0,
  "gimme5count": 0,
  "gimme5allowed": true,
  "purchasedkwhthismonth": 1,
  "unitwallet": 30.05,
  "arrearsbalance": 0,
  "recentinvoiceamount": 0,
  "recentinvoicedue": false,
  "recentinvoicedate": "",
  "recentinvoice": false,
  "recentarrearsid": 0,
  "recentinvoicebalance": 0,
  "type": "cash",
  "action": "FUND",
  "transaction": 9981015,
  "balance": 20

This will put funds into a customers wallet, but not generate a transaction unless the customer has autovend enabled. If they do, that vend is sent via other channels, this function only puts funds into their wallet.

HTTP Request


Available Parameters

For a list of available parameters, refer to the list under the Sales Estimate section.

Vend Check

curl --basic -u login:password -d 'mode=vendcheck&uuid=12345&return=json' \
  "uuid": "12345",
  "status": "OK",
  "error": 0,
  "message": "",
  "ststoken": "",
  "amount": 1,
  "type": "cash",
  "transdate": "2019-02-06 09:46:32",
  "transaction": 218,
  "purchasedkwh": 11.3,
  "usagemth": [
      "timestamp": 1548997261,
      "created": "2019-Feb",
      "usagediff": 100000
  "usageday": [
      "timestamp": 1549602061,
      "timestamp2": "2019-02-08",
      "created": "2019-Feb-08",
      "usagediff": 100000
  "vendorname": "County Electric",
  "vendornumber": "CEC",
  "email": "",
  "sms1": "",
  "systemrole": "ComMGR",
  "seclevel": "99",
  "vendorgroupowed": "345.00",
  "vendorgrouplimit": "100000000.00",
  "vendorgroupavailable": 99999655,
  "vendorlimit": "10000.00",
  "vendorowed": "345.00",
  "vendoravailable": 9655

Vend check allows looking up transaction details for a specific transaction using a 3rd Party Unique ID (often a transaction ID from the 3rd party billing system). This ID must have been provided at the time of the sale using the uuid parameter for this mode to be able to look up the transaction.

HTTP Request


Available Parameters

The URL Parameters avalibale during a vend check are as follows:

Param Type Values Required Default
mode string vendcheck yes
uuid string yes
return string json, xml no xml

Key / Values to Submit

Key Values Description/Comments
mode authtest, balance, estimate, vend, fund
submode cash, cc, wallet
return xml, json, jsonhtml
account customers account number in most cases the meter serial number can be used instead
serialnumber meter serial number must be unique in this portal
lang any two character language code optional, en is default, mostly affects error messages
ccauth credit card auth string when submode=cc
cctrans credit card transaction number when submode=cc
amount amount in the local/system currency
pin customers PIN Used in unattended payment kiosk situations, must match the customers account password/pin
smsto Send an SMS receipt (with token if applicable) to either one of the two cellphone numbers on file, or a submitted number Valid values are 1 or 2 or any valid cellphone number. This value is optional.


The Juice Vending API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
0000 No error, Authentication is OK
1001 Could not locate a matching meter serial number or account
1002 A currency amount is required for this transaction
1003 Amount exceeds gateway single transaction limit
1004 The mode key is not set
1005 The submode is invalid or missing for the mode
1006 Invalid submode for wallet funding
1007 Duplicate POST detected, Resubmit in 2 minutes if valid
1010 Customer not vendible by this means, must see landlord or utility customer service
1099 Transaction Error: (text will vary accordnig to the error, this is a non-API error)
1101 Transaction Error: Credit Card failed either validity or expiration date has failed